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The Portuguese Mission
Bangladesh's first relationship with the Portuguese was established among the European nations. As they preached Christianity, they learned the Bangla language and felt it necessary to write books in Bengal. There is indirect evidence that this national prose composition appeared in the seventeenth century. Some books have been found in the eighteenth century.
'Brahmin Roman Catholic News' by Dom Antonio. The author is a Bengali zamindarputra. When the mug was abducted by the bandits, the Portuguese clergy bought him and baptized Christianity. This booklet is written in Q&A. The importance of Christianity is preached in it. The language was developed under the influence of the regional-speaking style of Dhaka.
Mono-l-the-Asusampasao's book 'The Orthodoxy of the Kripar Shastra' (Essay 3). According to many researchers, the Bengali portion of this book was translated asausapamsam to native Christians. Sample language -
A city was near the forest. One day a lot of unemployed people in that city bought a baggage and wanted to go to their country. And there are so many robberies in this country called bapari, so leave me.
It is not difficult to understand the language by setting appropriate punctuation. The word Persian is used in this language. The impact of the regional-specific speech of Dhaka can also be noted.
Mono-El also wrote a Bengali language grammar and a Portuguese Bangla dictionary.
No lasting influence of the Portuguese mission was preserved in later Bangla prose. However, because the region-specific discourse is ideally adopted, this language is not difficult to understand. It is not a matter of dignity for early writing prose. Among them was the beginning of European interest in the language of the country. These are Carey-Marshman's predecessors.
English ruler and mission to Srirampur
With the establishment of state authority in this country, the English rulers were somewhat attracted to the indigenous languages. English to learn Bengali Nathaniel Brassey Halhead wrote a Bengali grammar book in the eighteenth century (1) in English, 'A Grammar of the Bengali Language'. It was only in this century that some laws were translated. Forster translated the 'Cornwallis Code'. He also created a glossary. Needless to say, that language is extremely rich. But they did the best for Bangla literature by setting up printing machines. Before the revolution of the establishment of the currency system, handwritten manuscripts were prevalent in our country.
All these books were written on parchment paper, pallets or palm leaves. They were duplicated by those in need. At that time, the number of literate people was not high. Through the Kathakata-Kirtan Panchali song, the literary folk reached the time. But prose literature cannot be disseminated that way. School textbooks need to be printed, a lot Without educated people, their thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched without a large number of printed books. The monetary system simultaneously produces numerous books with ease. The copyists would change the original book at will, making the change of the printed book impossible. For many reasons, the establishment of the currency system is a very important event for any literature. The English authorities felt the need for currency to facilitate governance. Halhead's Grammar book was printed in this country. Wilkins made Bangla fonts. The fifty-five workers of Serampore learned to make fonts from him and set up a factory in Kolkata.
Meanwhile, the English missionaries led the Kerry to Serampore. Bringing an old coin from England, collecting Bangla letters from a Panchanan worker, the press was set up in Serampore. The Serampore Press and Mission have made significant contributions to the history of Bengali prose literature.
Missionaries such as Kerry, Thomas, Ward, Marshman decided to seek refuge in indigenous languages to spread Christianity. In 7, Kerry printed and published the 'Gospal of St Mathew', which was published by Mars. In 5, the whole of the New Testament and parts of the Old Testament were translated. In 9, the whole Bible translation was published as 'The Book of Religion'. This biblical language is extremely rich and artificial. This prose became a matter of ridicule to the later Bengalis as they followed the English footsteps without looking at their own position in Bengal.
From the prose point of view, the role of the Serampore Mission and the Serampore Press are not mentioned. But with their efforts, the Ramayana and Kasidasi Mahabharata of the Kriti people and some excellent books were printed and published, and the Srirampur Mission near Bengal became a respectable institution. In addition, grammar in Bengali, Bengali-English dictionary, Bengali periodicals were published by these missionaries. There is no denying them for the improvement of the Bangla language. The efforts of Kerry and his colleagues in editing and printing some important Sanskrit texts were commendable.